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» Listings for August 2013


    Rivoir Ring

    The 4c's are a universal grading system for diamonds that is in place to keep consistency within the diamond industry. Developed by the Gemmological Institute of America (GIA), diamonds purchased within jewellers often come with a GIA certificate describing the diamond in terms of the 4c's.



    • The less colour, the higher the value

    This of course refers to 'colourless' diamonds and not to fancy-coloured diamonds (pinks and blues) that lie outside of the colour scale discussed here. The scale refers to body colour of the diamond which may be completely lacking in colour (the ideal) or may feature hints of yellow or brown. The scale runs from D to Z, with D being completely colourless and Z exhibiting light colour. Even though the colour difference may be subtle it does have a profound impact on the value of the stone.



    • Natural imperfections

    Diamonds are formed within the mantle of the earth and pushed to the surface during volcanic eruptions. A diamond completely free from inclusions or blemishes is quite rare and the clarity grade refers to the size, nature and location of these imperfections.

    Flawless-Internally Flawless (FL - IF) no inclusions are visible using a 10x lens, very rare

    Very, very slight inclusions (VVS1 – VVS2) difficult to see inclusions with 10x lens, excellent quality

    Very slight inclusions (VS1 – VS2) difficult to see inclusions with 10x lens

    Slight inclusions (SI1 – SI2) easy to find with 10x lens but difficult to see with naked eye

    Inclusions (I1 – I3) may be seen by naked eye

    Rose diamond ring


    • 1 carat = 0.2 grams

    Carat is the unit of weight that is used for diamonds, it is not necessarily representative of it's size.  A small difference in carat weight can greatly affect the price of the diamond.


    • The cut for a diamond has been mathematically pre-determined

    Diamonds have a complex relationship with light, cut too shallow the light falls straight through, cut too deep and the light struggles to reflect back to the eye, generally moving out of the side of the stone. Diamonds have optimum angles that they must be cut at to produce maximum brilliance and dispersion – this is what gives them their sparkle!

    Cut grades are classified as:

    Excellent - Very Good - Good – Fair - Poor


    At Nude Jewellery we can source a variety of diamonds for your bespoke commission.  For information on bespoke diamond pieces or for general advice regarding diamonds please call our customer service advisors on 07957 371 254


  2. Invented by Friedrich Mohs, a German mineralogist, in 1812, the mohs scale of hardness is primarily used to assist in the identification of minerals. Offering a scale of 10 minerals varying from the very soft (talc) to the very hard (diamond), the scale can be useful within jewellery to determine what the gemstone can be used for:

    ie is a certain gemstone too soft for everyday wear in a ring?

    Can two gemstones be set next to each other without damaging the other?

    The idea is that each mineral listed on the scale has the ability to scratch the stones poistioned below it, or to be scratched by the stone in the position above.

    So, diamond can scratch all stones positioned 1-9 as diamond is the hardest mineral. Topaz will not scratch corundum or diamond but it will scratch any stone positioned between 1 and 7.

    Below is a table breaking down the 10 minerals and the common substances that they are similar to with regards to hardness.


    Position Mineral Similar to
    1 Talc Fingernail
    2 Gypsum (amber)  
    3 Calcite (ivory) Copper Coin
    4 Fluorite (pearl)  
    5 Apatite (obsidian) Glass
    6 Feldspar (labradorite) Steel File
    7 Quartz (amethyst, citrine)  
    8 Topaz  
    9 Corundum (ruby, sapphire)  
    10 Diamond  


    It is worth noting that this scale of hardness is not linear. The difference in hardness between corundum and diamond is not the same as the difference between talc and gypsum. Also, minerals within the same position can still scratch each other.

    For further information or for advice on gemstones please call our customer service team on 07957 371 254